Meserani Snake Park

Sat May
Tanzania safaris Tour Expert

The collection of snakes and other reptiles here is the main draw, but there’s also a corny yet informative Maasai cultural museum with mock-ups of home and bush life, which you’ll visit with a

Maasai warrior. You can also take a 30-minute camel ride (per person, Tsh15,000) to a Maasai village. It’s 25 kilometers west of Arusha along the Dodoma road. Dalla-dallas to Monduli can drop you at the gate (Tsh 1500, 45 minutes).

A special treasure of Arusha, a wonderful source of enjoyment and relaxation for locals and foreign visitors.

The snake park is located 25 kilometers west of Arusha on the route to the Serengeti and Ngorongoro crater.

The snake park provides various activities, take a guided tour and learn about some of the most dangerous snakes in the world, from the Black and Green Mamba, Egyptian Cobra, Puff Adders and many more. Capture your special moment and hold a real live snake. Check out the 3m plus crocodiles at feeding time and touch a baby crocodile.

You can also enjoy your personal Maasai guide who will take you on a spectacular tour of the Maasai Cultural Museum.

Visit the Free Education Centre, where the local Maasai have the opportunity to learn how to read and write and further their education in many different ways.

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